Friday, December 3, 2021

The race to 1,000 orgasms and a commitment to give my wife a hand job every morning

It's been a long time since I've posted... A lot has happened. We had another baby. I finished my training and got a new job. We moved houses. My wife got a small skin cancer on her face that required Moh's surgery, the skin cancer scare inspired her to get a boob job, turns out boob jobs can be pretty painful and hard to recover from but we're doing good a couple months out finally. It's been a stressful couple of months though and our sex life has suffered. 

Before the recent stressful events I had my first long-term lover. Long-term and lover might be a stretch, But over maybe half a year I met with a woman four times and had sex with her three times, it was an interesting experience, I like the attention of texting her and her being sweet to me, it's always new and exciting to have sex with someone new and she was skinny which is a plus but she was over 10 years older than me which was a bit of a turn off. My wife and I went through some growing pains with this relationship and there was some jealousy And sometimes she would feel sad or upset and I would feel like a bad guy which I didn't like, the whole thing was kind of stressful, I didn't like feeling that way and didn't like being worried that my wife would be jealous. She also tried out a lover during this time And she had sex with two different guys, one of them she sound more than once and went on a couple dates with, but the attraction just wasn't there so she ended things. When the skin cancer came things got to be really stressful and we ended things with my lover as well, so now my wife and I are both single again and working on our marriage. I think we will open up again at some point, maybe even in the not too distant future, and we've had some fights recently where my wife wonders if I'm not as patient and loving as I used to be because I no longer have a lover. I think there's tons of factors at play for our recent fights and it's hard to pin down on one thing, indeed I think it would be foolish to pin it down on one thing. It's true when I had a lover I kind of worried about my wife being jealous so I would be extra nice and extra patient with her, and sometimes having a lover made me realize how great my wife was so I would want to be extra kind to her for that reason because she let me have a lover, and sometimes having a lover made me realize that all the nice kind and sweet things I'm saying to my lover I should also be saying to my wife, I think there is a multitude of reasons why having a lover can make you a better lover to your spouse. Lovers aside though, things have been difficult in general with the skin cancer and boob job and just stressful life so my wife and I have not been having as much sexin my new job has been stressful and settling into our new house has been stressful, each of these things alone would be expected to cause more attention in a marriage / relationship.

Anyway we had some bad weeks but I think we are over the worst of it and are committed to being kind to each other and making things work, ideally I would want to patch things up and make our marriage great before adding a lover into the equation, I don't think a lover can fix things that are not great rather things need to be fixed before having a lover.

Fixing a marriage involves making both the husband and wife happy, usually if the wife is very happy it can make the husband happy too. My wife is planning on going back to school soon and a lover honestly isn't the highest of her priorities understandably. She struggles with depression as well. I want her to be happy and we are trying to get her set up to go back to school so she can feel accomplished and get a career but that is difficult when you have kids at home and the husband has a busy job. But we are taking steps to get child care and I think we are moving in the right direction.

Our relationship has been very sex-centered and I think it will be good for both of us to have more sex, especially since that has been suffering recently. This morning I woke up just before the alarm went off and my wife was giving me more blanket that had fallen to her side of the bed, which was very sweet of her. She was sleeping naked and so I rolled over and cuddled with her and felt her pubic hair, and we had a nice moment cuddling.

Sometimes my wife has a hard time getting out of bed and I think sometimes I'm kind of an a****** and judge her for it. Well today while I was cuddling my wife and feeling her pubic hair I kind of had an epiphany and decided that I could do two things, one I could help her get out of bed in a nice way and two maybe I could help her get out of bed by giving her a hand job before gently nudging her out of bed. For someone that struggles with depression it seems like this is a great thing for a husband to do, to start her day with some good hormones and good feelings and to wake up and get out of bed. I feel like if I did that everyday it would be really good for her. It's kind of a hard commitment but I think a hand job every morning would really be great for her. And it would be good for me since it would get me horny, and especially if I don't come and have sex I'll be horny all day which is kind of painful but kind of makes me a better nicer person since I'm horny and want to be nice to everyone so I can have sex. Including be nice to my wife. Anyway the real challenge will be to give my wife a hand job when I'm not horny and if we had sex the night before or something, then it really becomes a commitment and I'll just have to do it because I love her and I want her to feel good and start the day out nice. I think it's doable though. So anyway I made a decision to go ahead with this plan, and I slid one finger into my wife's vagina and started caressing it and then with my other hand I felt her big boobs. She came quickly like she always does. It's hard to stop after one hand job and feeling so good and cuddling with your woman, so no surprise if you minutes later I had two fingers in her vagina and her whole body was shaking as she was coming again. 5 minutes later I was giving her her third orgasm with her pelvic muscles squeezing my fingers and her back arching.

My wife cums easily, and she's hot, so she is a real treat in bed. No guy that I know has ever been disappointed having sex with her. If you get the chance, cut yourself very lucky to have sex with my wife. She likes tall and thin guys though, and prefers white dick, and she's very selective and in general has other priorities right now as I mentioned above.

Anyway, after the three hand jobs this morning I gently nudge her out of bed and she looks glowing and happy. She used the bathroom and then she wanted to suck the watermelon sugar off of my dick as she was on the toilet and I obliged and stuck my hard cock in her mouth and she sucked off the sugar. I didn't come though, which was good. I then told her about my plan to give her a hand job every morning to make her feel better and to help her get out of bed and maybe even cure her depression. She laughed but I think it made her happy that I was thinking of this for her and she said it sounds great.

So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to try to give her a hand job every single morning. Some days it'll be easy and some days it'll be hard depending on how horny I am and how tired I am. Every now and then I'll just be too sick or too tired and I know it won't happen every single day and that's okay, this is not a new hand job religion or anything. But I'm going to be thinking of her more often and make a effort to give her the orgasms she needs to start her day off well. Not sure if anyone's ever done this before but I think it'll be good. More orgasms for her, more sex for us, I think we'll be happier

This new idea I got me inspired to start up this blog again, so I will try to update the status of the hand jobs every morning. I'm going to do it as I drive to work with the speech to text software on the phone, and I'm not going to waste time editing or anything like that. So it's going to be free thought and kind of a mess, and most people don't read this, it's mostly for my wife but if we get a large following or if some people read this and get inspired to have better sex with their spouses or lovers or girlfriends or whatever then that's great. As long as it's safe I think everyone should be having more sex.

That's it for now I hope this is the start of good things.

Oh yeah and since I'm doing this I figured it might be fun to do something else, to see how long it takes to get my wife 1000 orgasms. So I'm going to start counting. It's not really a race anything I'm just curious and it's kind of fun to count.

So today I gave her three. 997 to go

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