Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The period problem

The period came last night. It's disappointing for both of us. That makes a morning hand job difficult. Technically still doable but we don't like to get our bed bloody and a bit hard to navigate that when we were both short on time in the morning trying to get up for our day. Doing it in the shower is an option but she doesn't shower in the morning like I do, she showers usually midday or evening.

She jokingly mentioned her vibrator last night as an option and I took her up on it and put it next to my bed. This morning when the alarm went off I got it, all the first problem I realized was I couldn't figure out how to turn it on. She turned it on for me and then I put the vibrator on her crotch... But I was too tired to do the necessary foreplay and nipple caressing to get her to cum, in general an orgasm with a vibrator for her usually requires a bit of porn And maybe some foreplay, not viable options when we're both waking up trying to get ourselves out for the day. Anyway the vibrator was not a success this morning and she laughed and got out of bed. Kind of a cute memory / experience.

It's interesting how quickly i have gotten used to giving her orgasms every morning and now I'm feeling a bit like I missed on something. Kind of feeling dissatisfied. Is making her come every morning that addicting? Or is it still just the fun of a new challenge and new excitement that has me going. In any case I'm going to give her a hand job or maybe we'll have sex tonight, it's important to me that she cum every day at least until I give 1,000 orgasms to her. So far it's been good to my relationship, I want to keep doing it. I love this woman, I love everything she offers me, when she's happy she gives me the world And I want to make her cum every day.

So I'll post again tonight after I make it happen

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