Thursday, October 15, 2015

Giving head

Last night I gave my husband a great head...and later he told me that I haven't done that in a long time. That got me thinking: You know I always think of myself as a capable person, in everything. I pretty much know that most of time, if I set my heart to it, I can do anything. But giving heads was another story. I hated it. Hated it. Hated it. I gave up and thought, you know, I am just not good at it. And I hate the taste of semen in my mouth, and I always choke and gag when I am doing it. So I avoid doing it, for as long as I can. The lucky thing is that I have a perfect lady junk and an almost perfect body that my husband enjoys so much that he could let it slide that I never give him heads. But last night, I had a enlightening moment, if you want to call it. Why couldn't I put my heart to it to be good at giving heads? Why did I never think of putting my capable mind in the bedroom? I always believe that if your man cant get enough from you, then he will want to get it elsewhere. I am ok with him getting elsewhere to be honest, but still, why cant I learn to be good at it? 

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